Business Acumen Competency Assessment

Senior executives and their talent management partners are continually looking for ways to accelerate the time to proficiency for emerging leaders and managers. Leadership development programs provide some frameworks, yet a more integrated approach is needed to overlay the competencies and capabilities associated with business acumen.

An Integrated Approach

Senior executives and their talent management partners are continually looking for ways to accelerate the time to proficiency for emerging leaders and managers. Leadership development programs provide some frameworks, yet a more integrated approach is needed to overlay the competencies and capabilities associated with business acumen.

Business Acumen Competency Assessment

Discover the Business Acumen Gap in Your Organization

The Business Acumen Institute (BAI) can augment your company’s talent development strategy for emerging leaders and managers with a proven methodology that follows this sequence and is shown in the diagram below:

Assessing the knowledge and experience using a comprehensive business acumen competency assessment.

Understanding critical gaps in the skills and capabilities that comprise business acumen.

Using what’s learned to augment the Business Acumen Workshop.

Administering the assessment 3-6 months after the workshop to determine the effectiveness of the program.

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The assessment is focused on your designated population of business people. Using a web-based survey and optional validation interviews, you’ll have a solid perspective on all aspects of business acumen, shown in a comprehensive diagnostic report. Together, we’ll be able to examine the findings and insights in order to modify the workshop (if warranted) – or – to guide additional actions for your own leadership development initiatives.